
Posts Tagged ‘technophobia’

vi command!

I am a great Microsoft Windows supporter. This is the best platform for me in the world! (OK, now I am only deal with MS Windows, and VNC with tonnes of xterms which are driving me crazy. Excluding the Fedora desktop version, which I definitely liked it, few years ago…)


I use win merge to diff and merge codes, it is so convenience and easy! (If given a choice, without concern on cost, of course Araxis Merge would be better…) Now I have to do with tkdiff, and I have no idea how to merge the codes! I can just try and error, try and error, try and error…. until I am so sick of it, and I connect to samba server, and use win merge to get things done! This is not a big deal, YET!


I am so proud of my vi skill, with :wq, dd, x, /<search key word>, :set nu, i, a commands, which sufficient for me to edit a file! Guess what? This is not enough! My manager shows me a few times how to do the substitution, block deletion, and etc etc etc. I can’t remember complicated stuffs! I avoided them! Now, what I can do is, BLOG ABOUT IT! Dear Jup, please remember this 2 command line!


:1,$s’<be replaced>’’<to replace>’
ma d’a


My! I just love notepad! Or Crimson Editor! I just love the ctrl+f, F3, F4, Search and Replace!!!


You might wonder why I don’t use Nedit… Coz he was sitting next to me and asked me vi that document!


OK, those exclamation marks might seem I am frustrated. I might be a bit frustrated. Why don’t I get to use my own selection of tools or methods? 😦

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